Many people buy insurance, but when it comes time to claim, they face rejection. They can’t argue with the insurance company, and their agent is unreachable. In the hospital, feeling helpless, they begin to question why they ever bought insurance in the first place.
Imagine your first time buying coffee or milk tea. Did you just order it without thinking, or did you make a choice first? You chose carefully before buying, right? Buying insurance isn’t as simple as buying a cup of milk tea. You need to understand your own needs and then purchase the insurance package that suits those needs. You might think, with so many options, how do I choose?
This is where I come in. As your agent, my job is to understand the various insurance packages and possess professional knowledge like finance, medical, and claims processes. Think of it like using Google. You ask a question, and it gives you answers. Even better, like ChatGPT, which can provide detailed explanations and different perspectives without bias. My role is to listen to your risk situation, analyze it, and then recommend the right package for you while explaining the policy details. I understand that you might worry salespeople just want to sell you something, not necessarily what you need.
Sometimes, you meet an agent for the first time and don’t know who they are. You might think they just want to sell you a high-commission policy. The truth is, not only do you have concerns, but I also need to understand you and work with you to learn your story. Otherwise, a few negative posts on social media could ruin years of my hard work. So, just as I need to understand you, you also need to get to know me. Read my stories, see the challenges I’ve faced, and the heartfelt moments I’ve shared. Trust must be built on mutual understanding. Without challenges, anyone can be a captain, but only a true leader can navigate through the storms.
Insurance is about ensuring you can weather the storm. The biggest fear is that during the storm, the captain abandons ship, leaving you helpless. Why would a captain abandon ship? Because they lack experience and know that the journey might be their last, so they prioritize their own survival. The captain was initially trusted and appointed. Therefore, before appointing a captain, you should assess their capability to prevent such situations. Similarly, you must assess your agent to ensure that when you need insurance the most, it will be there for you.
In reality, we can’t avoid all unfortunate events. By sharing some anonymous cases, I hope to help you identify unscrupulous agents and insurance packages. In dark times, insurance can either destroy a person or a family’s future or save them, helping them emerge from the darkness.