
For individuals seeking both life protection and investment opportunities, an investment-linked life insurance plan presents a compelling option. Unlike traditional term life insurance, these plans combine life protection with an investment component, offering potential returns over time.


  1. 投资组成部分: 保费的一部分被投资于由投保人选择的一系列投资基金中。这些基金的表现直接影响保单的现金价值。
  2. 现金价值: 随着时间的推移,保单会积累一定的现金价值,可以提取或用于支付未来的保费。
  3. 灵活性: 投保人通常可以根据其风险承受能力和投资偏好在不同基金之间灵活转换。
  4. 回报潜力: 根据所选择的投资基金的表现,投保人可能会获得投资回报。
  5. 死亡保险金: 在投保人身故时,将向受益人支付死亡保险金。

While investment-linked plans offer potential returns, they also come with investment risks tied to the performance of the underlying funds.

Choosing the Right Plan

Before opting for an investment-linked life insurance plan, individuals should assess their risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment objectives. Consulting with a financial advisor can provide valuable insights into whether this type of insurance aligns with their overall financial strategy.

Explore Allianz Life Insurance Plans

Allianz offers an extensive range of life insurance plans, catering to diverse needs:

These plans offer tailored solutions to help individuals secure optimal protection for their loved ones.


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